
A fully decentralised, easy accessible app

3 minute read Modified:

Unstoppable Web 3.0 App with IPFS, OrbitDB and the tor-protocol in any browser.
The vision Imagine an application that could do it all… Something between reddit, instagram, telegram and eBay. Now imagine everyone on this platform can be anonymous - no IP log, no nothing. The application would not be served from a single server, instead it would be decentralised and accessible through a regular browser. This means, that anyone can participate and communicate / buy / sell anything they want. Because of its decentralised nature, the application could not be stopped or shut down by a government entities.

Food for thought

5 minute read Modified:

We live in an age of constant change. I have compiled a collection of quotes from wise people who put this change into words.
Surveillance Capitalism So, famously, industrial capitalism claimed nature. Innocent rivers, and meadows, and forests, and so forth, for the market dynamic to be reborn as real estate, as land that could be sold and purchased. Industrial capitalism claimed work for the market dynamic to be reborn as labor that could be sold and purchased. Now, here comes surveillance capitalism, following this pattern, but with a dark and startling twist. What surveillance capitalism claims is private, human experience.

Evening the playing field - A new society with Industry 4.0 and IOTA

6 minute read Modified:

A protocol that will shape our future. IOTA is a decentralised, scalable & feeless transfer protocol for value & data
Part 1: What was, will be GDP Growth is declining all around the world. We reached our economic peak 20 years ago. CO2 emissions are changing the water cycle rapidly, which is exponentially shifting the chemistry of our planet. By the end of this century only half of the species on this planet will be left. It is terrifying! So what do we do? We need a new economic vision for the world and we need it quick.